How to Promote a Landscape Design Business

by - February 19, 2017

Starting your own landscape design business can be a profitable and rewarding career choice. But just because you have a business license and a lawnmower doesn't mean that the business side of the work is done. A landscape design business requires specialized advertising to small and concentrated neighborhoods in your community. Read the tips 

listed below and learn about how to promote a landscape design business:

Door hangers 
A door hanger is a flyer that rests around the front door handle of a home. It forces the homeowner to look at the advertisement when they already have it on their hand. Create a door hanger advertisement that tells the customer that you're already working in their neighborhood. 
When your workers go out to landscape, have them put door hangers on the other homes on the block where they're working. Another good idea is to include a detachable business card with the door hangers. Even if the homeowner throws the flyer away, they have a reminder of your business.

Noticeable signage 
There are several places that you can put attention getting signage. Create magnetic signs that you can put on the side of your work trucks. As your workers travel from location to location, your truck will promote your business. Another key piece of advertising real estate is your customer's lawns. 
Ask customers if you can place yard signs on their lawn, placed near the road. Your landscape design will speak for itself and your yard sign will direct clients to where they can hire your services.

Social networking 
A large part of landscape design promotion is word of mouth. Homeowners will speak to their neighbors and friends about the businesses that they use. An ideal electronic medium for word of mouth is social networking. Create an online medium through pages on social networking sites where your customers can provide third-party recommendations to their community about your services.

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